Fit Chic LA’s Top Five Songs For Spring


Now that the spring air is finally here (for most of us), its time to add some new jams to pump you up in your workouts.

It is a proven fact that music makes us workout harder. I had written about it in a previous blog. It also takes your mind off the activity that you are doing.

So dust off those ipods and take your workout to the next level with these hits.

1. “I Love It” by Icona Pop – The up beat tempo and fun retro vibe this will keep you going like the energizer bunny.

2. “Can’t Hold Us” — Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – This song not only has a great beat it also has great lyrics to keep you motivated throughout your workout.

3. “Lisztomania” – Phoenix – This is a great light-hearted song that will automatically put you in a happy mood for your activity.

4. “Trojans” – Atlas Genius – This song really gets me pumped up when I am out for a run or cycling etc.. It is a great song for the “great outdoors”.

5. “Feel This Moment” – Pit Bull featuring Christina Aguilera – This is a feel good song that will pump you up and really make your sweat!

Now that you have a new playlist, put that iPod on and put it to good use in or out of the gym!

Fit Chic

Why Do We Quit?


I was reading this great article from Sealfit this past week. For those of you who are not familiar with Sealfit, it is a training site to “train” like Navy Seals.

Their mission statement is to develop mental toughness and promote spiritual growth in our clients – changing their lives and the lives of those they touch in the process.

I have always been SO fascinated about pushing yourself to limits you could not even comprehend you could go. I feel that training like this (in a safe scalable environment) taking yourself out of your comfort zone day in and day out really transfers over into all other aspects of your life!

So why do we give up? Some of us give up before it even seems like a challenge, others wait till they hit a road block, and some of us persevere to the very end but never cross the finish line. Why?

I believe that there are many reasons we quit.

We don’t have a clear enough vision of where we are going – How can we have a plan of attack if we don’t even know whom or what to attack? How can we get there if we don’t know where we go? The more preparation and time we take to plan where we are headed the less roadblocks we will see trying to get there!

We don’t have enough confidence or belief in ourselves – We let the negative thoughts (or what I like to call “noise”) get to us and over power the person we know we can truly be. Keep your goals and affirmations close and read them often so you are focused on the person who put you in the place to go after what you want and deserve.

We care too much about what others think of us – We let the opinions of others effect the goal at hand. How many times have you told a friend, family member, co-worker, etc… how excited you were to do something and the first thing that comes out of their mouth is “why would you want to do that” or even worse “you couldn’t do that”. They view themselves as not being able to do what you want or grow like you are so they are going to automatically be negative to your goals, because unfortunately they are unhappy with themselves.

We don’t really know the Ultimate driving force to keep pushing us when the going gets tough. If you don’t know the innermost desire to do what you are doing and why you are doing it, it will be very easy to fall go off course and quit! I call it the big shiny object syndrome. Someone puts a big bright object in your face and you immediately lose sight of what and where you were going. If you know your super why the persuasive object will not blind you or even make you blink.

My last words of “truth” are to trust yourself! I think we as humans do not give ourselves enough credit for what we are capable of doing. Know that there is always someone out there that has it harder than you and is staying on track, and stay focused on the wonderful feeling it will be when you reach the top (i.e. your goals). The more we “quit” on ourselves the more belief we loose and it becomes this destructive downward spiral. The more we trust and know the purpose for doing what it is we are doing the more we grow and evolve and create bigger, lofty, goals for ourselves.

Go for your goals and don’t quit Fit Ones….

What are some road blocks that are keeping  you from being where you ultimately want to be?

Post your answers in the comments below….

Fit Chic

A Fit Chic LA’s Guide to the Perfect Running Short…

Which Shorts Are You Gonna Choose Fit Ones?

Which Shorts Are You Gonna Choose Fit Ones?

With the spring air and the beautiful sun shinning bright, for those of us that have been cooped up all winter long the need for a nice long run is inevitable.

We have so many running shorts to choose from now days, how do we know which ones are best and which ones are bogus?

I have been an avid runner for most of my life, and nothing used to bug me more than having my running shorts ride up in all shorts of uncomfortable ways. Or if you have super sensitive skin like I do, then the wrong material can leave you in far more pain than the run!

Trying to find the right running short can be about as difficult as finding the right jeans for your body type. So, here are the top five running shorts that will leave you feeling and looking great!

#1 Nike Tempo Short – These shorts are great material, have a fantastic liner, and don’t ride up on you while you run. They also have a variety of patterns and colors so you can get several pairs and never get bored.

#2 The Lululemon Speed Short – These shorts are super lightweight, cool, and comfortable. They have a back pocket to place your key, and chafe-resistant flat seams are designed to save sweaty, sensitive skin from irritation wide.

# 3 Under Armour ultra 2 compression shorts – These compression shorts are light, comfortable, and stick like glue to your legs so there’s no riding up. They also have a very comfortable waist band that does not dig into your sides when you run.

#4 Brooks Infiniti Short – These shorts are brooks most popular seller. These are perfect for the 5k to marathon runner. They are black so they are slimming too.

#5 Asics Everysport Short – These shorts are great for all types of cross training. I am a cross fitter so I prefer these, because I can perform all different types of exercises (i.e. sprinting, squats, rowing, kettlebell swings etc…) and the shorts are great for it all.

Now you have the perfect short to support your sport!

3…2…1.. RUN!!!!

Fit Chic

5 Small Changes in Your Diet that Will Leave You Fit and Chic….

These Women Are Committed to Living A Healthier Lifestyle Each and Every Day!

These Women Are Committed to Living A Healthier Lifestyle Each and Every Day!

As I was watching the Biggest Loser Finale last night, the transformations were inspiring and incredible. These contestants over came some of the greatest adversities (including some being kids), to not only look and feel great; but become healthy and happy as well.

These people had to completely change their whole routine in a drastic way, and in return they received drastic results.

Most of us are not near as unhealthy as these contestants. Making a few simple changes to our overall diet will leave us feeling and looking better than we have in years!

Here are 5 tips to live by and if you do the results will amaze you!

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What Exactly is St. Patricks Day?


We all love to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, with our green attire, shamrocks, and corn beef and cabbage dinner but why?

What is the true meaning behind the day and how did it start in the first place.

Well here is some great information from Wikipedia on the true meaning behind St. Patricks Day and the meaning behind the shamrocks, drinks, dinners, and green…..

I hope you all have a healthy happy St. Patrick’s Day, and don’t forget to wear your green!

Happy Friday

Fit Chic

10 Rules to Keep You Successful.

fit chics

As most of you know that have been following my blog regularly, I am currently in the midst of a weight loss challenge with some of the Fit Chics that I train.

Last week we talked about really talking these last two weeks of the challenge and giving it their all! No cheating, no excuses,  just laser focus and discipline! This way when they approach the final day they can be 100% confident that they were “In it to win it”!

As you leave a challenge, and you no longer have weekly meetings to keep you accountable, mini challenges within the challenge, and relying on the help from your peers to stay in the game what are your plans to stay on track?

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Paleo and Professional Athletes….

Look at How Colorful and Delicious These Healthier Choices Look!

Look at How Colorful and Delicious These Healthier Choices Look!

Here is a great article from Laker Nation interviewing Kobe Bryant on how changes in his nutrition have been pivotal to his overall success this season.

Kobe says in the article:

“My Achilles heel! I only started really focusing on my nutrition a few years ago. I started experiencing low energy and was feeling bloated. Then it hit me: ‘Kobe you’re not 25 anymore’ (I once had pepperoni pizza before scoring 81 points). It was time to adjust, so the struggle began. Lots of veggies, fruits, fish and lean meats.”

hmmm sounds a lot like “The Paleo Diet” 

Kobe goes on to say his taste buds really began to change for the better, and he started to crave the good stuff far more than the bad.

It seems like if one of the top athletes in the world is willing to give this healthy lifestyle a shot there must be something right about it.

So Fit Ones, I challenge you to really start focusing on the how your overall health is being benefitted by eating this way, and not treating this as just another diet.

What is one healthy change you want to make to your current lifestyle Fit Ones?

Post in the comments below….

Happy Friday!

Fit Chic

*For more healthy recipes and living a healthier lifestyle subscribe to my blog, and “Like” me on Facebook @ Fitchicla!


12 Healthy Ways to End the Day…


Two weeks ago I talked about 12 ways to start your day, so no better time to talk about how to end it too!

I am currently doing a weight-loss challenge with a group of women I train.. and each week we are focusing on a specific topic. This past week I put a “BIG” emphasises on the importance of ending your day.

I talk about the importance sleep and the wind down to get to sleep plays on our overall health and wellness and it is a key ingredient to weight loss.

The challenge for the women was to shut off all electronics or any technology at least 1/2 hour before going to sleep. The women could wind down with some stretching, journaling, or reading (something that would not stimulate the brain too much). With this they would also have to completely black out the room. That means no lights on phone, no light from dvr’s or cable devises, and blacked out rooms.

It was so great to hear from the women how great they felt overall after completing this challenge. They had more energy, slept through the night, and really looked forward to the relaxing period they had planned before they hit the hay….

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Fit Chics Top 3 Items to Take In Your Suitcase….

restistance bands


I just took a trip to Arizona and as I was packing I realized that I always bring my go to items (the don’t leave home without them items). This way I know that I am able to go to my luggage and grab what I need for whatever situation I am in.

With the following items I am able to get a great workout, mobilization and stretching, and motivation.

Now you can bring your total gym to wherever you vacation takes you.

#1 Jump Rope – There is so much you can do with a jump rope. It is a great apparatus to use for cardio, and to work your muscles to their full potential. Here are 23 great exercises to do with your jump rope:

#2 IPOD: This is the key to all my workouts. I love putting on my playlist and moving to the beat. It keeps your workouts fun and exciting. It also is a great way to keep your mind off of the pain!

#3 Resistance Bands – These are great for stretching before and after your workout and you can incorporate them in your workout as well. Here are some links to watch so that you can get the most out of these bands.

Now you have all the tools that you need to keep you on track and make the most of each trip you take!!!

So fit ones what are some of your favorite workouts on the road?

Post your comments below….

Fit Chic

Dare to Compare Yourself to YOURSELF!


For most of us, we are so focused on what everyone around us is doing i.e. people concerned about looking like others in the gym, people having better jobs than you, smarter, better looking, healthier etc….

But what about comparing ourselves to us???

When I first joined CrossFit I was so concerned about what everyone else was doing that it took a big shoulder injury to realize it didn’t matter. What mattered (and this was much more powerful) was hitting the goals I created for myself. If you look at life, there are people who become millionaires at 26, and then there are people who never do…

Does that mean because I am 31 I am never going to be rich? The more we focus on others, the more we loose focus of ourselves. The more we conquer our goals and stop worrying about everyone else the more successful we will become!

Here is a great read from Julie Bauer author of and avid Crossfitter explaining her take on comparing yourself to others…. READ HERE